At Honestly pHresh, we are committed to creating a website and shopping experience that is inclusive and accessible to everyone. As part of this commitment, Honestly pHresh is dedicated to continuously enhancing the online experience for all users, including those with disabilities. We recognize the importance of accessibility and are actively working to ensure our website is user-friendly for everyone.
We greatly value feedback from our users, as it is essential for improving our services. Your insights help us understand the areas that need attention and enable us to make necessary adjustments. Should you have any specific questions, feedback, or concerns regarding the accessibility of any part of our website, please reach out to us at
When reporting an accessibility issue, please include the Web page/URL in your email so we can accurately address your concerns.
Our efforts to improve accessibility are ongoing, and we truly appreciate your input. We are committed to making all reasonable efforts to address and resolve any issues brought to our attention. Your feedback is invaluable, and we will incorporate necessary recommendations into our future planning to ensure a seamless and inclusive shopping experience for everyone.